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The Return to Self Revolution
A Radical Rediscovery

The Return to Self Revolution is a step-by-step, signature coaching program that guides and empowers empathetic and intuitive humans on a journey from disconnection and overwhelm to alignment, purpose and joy, and supports them in the radical rediscovery of self, so they may share their unique and extraordinary gifts with the world.

Mountain Stream
Return to Self


Energy & Mindset Coaching Package

12-week program that includes a personalized assessment and action plan, 6 1-to-1 coaching sessions, energy healing sessions, and a life vision plan. 



All sessions (in person or online are 75-90 minutes)


Note: the outline below may change based on your personal goals and needs.


Free Consultation (Online)

30 minutes


Session 1

Mindset, Mindfulness, & Presence

  • You will learn the basics of neuroscience & neuroplasticity (how the mind works and its effect on our physical, emotional, and energy bodies).

  • You will identify current patterns in your mindset and disempowering narratives that keep you stuck.

  • You will learn powerful strategies to manage anxiety, shift mindset and start rewiring the neurons in your brain that connect to negative thought and behavioral patterns.


Session 2

Energy Assessment & Healing Session

  • I will provide an assessment of your aura and chakra system, noting any areas that are showing imbalance, deficiency or blockage.

  • You will receive a full energy healing, targeting areas of concern.

  • I will develop a personalized plan based on your individual needs.


Sessions 3 and 4

Energy Healing 

  • You will learn about the aura and chakra energy system, how negative experiences and traumas have impacted the flow of energy in your body, and ways this imbalance has manifested physically, mentally and emotionally. 

  • You will learn how to ground, clear and balance your energy body.

  • You will learn how to set energy boundaries and protect and heal your aura from unwanted outside energies.

  • You will learn strategies for emotional regulation and forgiveness to support and heal deeply embedded chakra blockages and repair relationships.

  • You will learn how to release unwanted emotions like anger, fear, guilt, grief and shame.

  • You will receive mini energy healing sessions.


Session 5

Intuition & Intuitive Gifts 

  • You will learn how to connect with and strengthen your intuition.

  • You will learn how to use your intuitive intelligence and natural intuitive gifts to guide you.

  • You will learn how to connect to your spirit guides and angels, and learn how to listen to their wisdom and advice.


Session 6

Manifestation & Magic

  • You will learn about the spiritual laws of energy, and how to work with them to create optimal life experiences.

  • You will reconnect with what lights you up and sets your soul on fire, and take aligned action steps to manifest those experiences.

  • You will rediscover your life’s purpose (dharma), and start to live with clarity and intention.

  • You will create a personal life vision plan to keep you focused and energetically aligned to your goals and overall vision for your life.

Let’s Work Together

Prema Soul, LLC

Hackettstown, NJ

Tel: 908-619-3789

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